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GeoChuck Welcome to Fotoamigo, nice shot.
exprise Errr, I know I don't have many posts here, but I'm not an ad bot or whatever... Short version... I've probably got 10k gold from them over the last few months... Ordered 1k last week, received email while in work to say I had been sent it, got home to find no gold in mail like was the usual. I got onto their support and they told me it had been sent, I later received an email with pics of the mails being sent etc and thought that was the end of it and I was down real world money :/ Today, got a random whisper from a level 1, told me who he was from and asked to meet... He handed me the 1k gold in person and that was it, I hadn't got onto them again or anything. Their prices are cheap for my realm compared to other sites anyway. Just thought I'd let ye have a good enough review on them since it can be hard to know what sites are trustworthy etc. Like I said, i only got onto them once and figured they wouldn't send it again or anything else, so was very surprised to see
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