ccarriconde I am so sorry about this :( Espero que você fique bem. Volto aqui amanhã ;-*
epmd73 sorry to hear that. hope your alright.
Misshomespun yes I'm very sorry to hear this. I have had 3 accidents since 2001 ( NONE were my fault) Please make sure that you are totally ok before letting the guy off the hook. It may take a couple of days to weeks to feel bad from it. I pray that you will feel better soon.
duncan I have always found forgiveness to be a very good cure for everything.
gadjo_dilo get well, lily!
rdale1 Nice pic. Sorry about your accident.
sylvia Hope your neck is okay! Ouch! The sun was in my eyes and the phone was ringing ... sounds like a country western song waiting to happen :)
av_producer yes, by the time you read this I hope there are no pains, aches or bruises
zenog oh Lilly!!! so sad to know that! hope you're better!!!! kisses to you!
ccarriconde are you ok? ;-*
ezfound ..beautiful shot!! hope you'll be OK..
ribena it melts... I hope you're feeling better.
super8mm so dreamy...what a frog dreams
ribena it melts: the colours. these pads seem liquid, everything washing over everything else. it reminds me vividly of a pack of crayons that melted together when I abandoned it to carpenter bees one summer, back when I was a kid. I just couldn't think of another way to say it.
PatrickGarner thnx for the comment!