Kunja This is really magnificent
PatrickGarner a realized world unlike any other. I usually award you three stars but this is worth five.
av_producer a perfect pair. perhaps a birth of a series?
shadowplay yesssssss......
lorygrrl so beautiful.
markal Also, so nice to see your wonderful art being displayed here also.
hoboz easy to get lost in
5points Wonderful to find you here
Ingrid Hey, I kind of lost track of you at flog. Hope it is easier to keep tabs here!
blairware So much mystery in your work. :) I see you made a transition from fotolog... sort of. My fotolog accounts are driving me nuts; may give this a try for a while.
apuntes Subrealisticamente misteriosa, muy buena la foto
love your stuff....
PETERGILBERT Happy Canada Day my friend