mittensohmy oh, cookie! this pure gold!!!
mittensohmy um, is
cateycate wow. this is rad. pink orbitals. avocado gate. delish.
celticvoice Man the gate matches the background - great one! The pink wahtevers make me wonder . . . :D Oh, may thanks for the comment, wow! you are so kind!
celticvoice oops MANY thanks! I am all mixed up!
celticvoice Actually LAUNDRY! heh heh What a guy! (We have to rewire the dryer 'cos we have a modern 4-prong and the house is 3-wire on 220 - so technical!) Wot da heck, I love warm dry off-the-line laundry - aslong as I don;t have to HANG it! I'll take it down, though. :P :-) Thanks again!
artpaws Me again, Diane. I hang if I hafeta. I have the nicest hub-b . . .
rheckes yeah --- great composition and "color":::